Paving the Way Forward Initiative

The Paving the Way Forward (PTWF) initiative is intended to find better ways of working alongside residents at the Flemington and North Melbourne public housing estates.

In 2021, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (the department) set up the Paving the Way Forward (PTWF) initiative. The intent is to find better ways of working alongside residents at the Flemington and North Melbourne public housing estates. Through a partnership approach with residents and the department, they have sought to come together to: 

  • solve local issues 
  • build on local strengths
  • positively change the way government and residents interact
  • take learnings to inform housing policy and approaches

Flemington and North Melbourne Local Action Plans

Over the last year, residents and agencies associated with the Flemington and North Melbourne estates have worked with PTWF to develop a forward strategy for each estate. The actions set out in the Flemington and North Melbourne Local Action Plans (the plans) are based on community feedback from 2021–22.

The plans seek to transform the needs, ideas and goals of residents into five focus areas and achievable actions that will have positive and lasting effects through partnerships, targeted funding and promotion.

Under each focus area, the plans outline:

  • What we heard from residents about the issues they experience
  • What residents want to see change, their ideas and aspirations
  • What we will achieve in this focus area
  • What we will do to address these aspirations, needs and issues. Many of these ideas have been co-developed with residents, and are being delivered in partnership with residents, community organisations, the local council and other partners.

For more information on PTWF Flemington and North Melbourne or to discuss any aspects of the plans, please email the PTWF team.