Emergency relief

Knowing what to do is critical to help you and your family to recover quickly from the emotional and financial impacts of emergencies.
  • Consider speaking to your General Practitioner (local doctor) and local council to find out what help and supports are available.
  • Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 if you are worried about your mental health or the mental health of a loved one.
  • Visit the Personal Hardship Assistance Program page to find out if you are eligible for financial help.

People who have been impacted by emergency events may experience a mix of physical, mental and emotional reactions.

Knowing what to do will help you and your family to recover quickly.

Support in an emergency

The Emergencies in Victoria: Managing your emotional wellbeing and accessing Emergency Relief Payments guide will help you to:

  • take action to restore your emotional wellbeing 
  • find out how to access financial support through the Personal Hardship Assistance Program.

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