Create accessible digital platforms
Create accessible digital platforms.
What we will do:
- Review and update internal and public records to be accessible and ensure language and imagery is inclusive. This will include published strategies, plans, guidelines and the department’s website, intranet and SharePoint sites.
Lead division: Fairer Victoria Engagement
Develop an accessible communication policy
Develop an accessible communication policy.
What we have done and continue to do:
- Funded dedicated accessible communications roles at the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Emergency Management Victoria.
- Established a whole of Victorian government Accessible Communications Working Group to share initiatives for embedding accessible communications in all our work.
What we will do:
- Build on Premier and Cabinet’s accessible communications work to inform an accessible communication policy. This policy will set out rules and guidelines for communicating in a way that is clear, direct and easy to understand. This is so Victorians of all abilities have equal access to Victorian government information.
Lead division: Fairer Victoria Engagement