
Peta McCammon, Secretary of DFFH

I am pleased to present the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing’s Disability Action Plan 2024–25. The plan is a thorough and strategic approach to empowering communities to build a fairer, safer and more inclusive Victoria that upholds the rights of people with disability. 

As a department, we commit to reducing barriers, promoting inclusion and fostering a culture of respect and dignity for all Victorians. This plan reflects our dedication to achieving tangible change. It aligns with Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026 and our obligations under the Disability Act 2006. It also recognises the social and human rights model of disability in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  

This plan outlines key actions and priorities across the department’s nine divisions. By adopting a whole-of-community approach, we aim to create lasting change for people with disability across various aspects of life including housing, work and community participation. 

We recognise that achieving real and meaningful change requires ongoing effort and commitment. We do this in partnership with people with disability including departmental staff with lived experience. To ensure the effective implementation and monitoring of this plan, we will be transparent about our achievements. We will communicate our progress to people with disability, their families and carers, the disability sector and other stakeholders. 

As Secretary, I am proud of the work our department has done in developing this plan. I am committed to driving its implementation. Together, we will make Victoria a more inclusive, accessible and equal place for all.

Peta McCammon

Secretary, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing