
The DAP sets out the department’s priorities and actions to advance disability inclusion. This includes addressing the barriers people with disability face in accessing:  

  • goods 
  • services 
  • facilities  
  • work opportunities.  

The DAP also aims to:  

  • promote inclusion and participation in the community  
  • achieve tangible changes in attitudes and practices that discriminate against people with disability. 

The priorities and actions align with:  

Other work is also underway to identify outcomes and measures that will help us track our achievements. We will include outcomes and measures in an implementation plan to go with the DAP. 

Pillar 1: Inclusive communities
People with disability, including those from diverse and under serviced groups, are represented and actively participate in decision-making processes within the department.
Pillar 2: Health, housing and wellbeing
People with disability will have increased access to inclusive and accessible environments, services and opportunities in all aspects of community life.
Pillar 3: Fairness and safety
Promote the rights and dignity of people with disability, encouraging disability pride, recognition and respect for diversity.
Pillar 4: Opportunity and pride
Support the development of more leaders with disability, focusing on providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.