Implementation and monitoring

Implementing the DAP requires a coordinated effort across the department. This will involve staff at all levels and ongoing engagement with people with disability, their families and carers. We will engage with VDAC and other key stakeholders in the implementation and evaluation of the DAP. 

The following steps outline the approach to implementing and monitoring the DAP: 

  • governance and accountability 
  • communication and engagement
  • collaboration and partnership 
  • reporting and evaluation. 

The DAP will be improved over its life based on feedback and learnings from:

  • people with disability 
  • their representative organisations
  • other stakeholders. 

Governance and accountability

The department’s People and Culture Committee will provide governance and accountability for the DAP. We will report annually to that committee and to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. 

This will help align the DAP and the Diversity and inclusion framework, which the People and Culture Committee also oversees. 

Communication and engagement

The department will communicate the DAP to all departmental staff. We will encourage their involvement in implementing the plan’s actions and priorities. 

We will ensure the DAP is offered in different formats including Easy Read to ensure accessibility to people with disability. 

Collaboration and partnership

The department will foster partnerships with:

  • other Victorian government departments 
  • disability organisations
  • advocacy groups.

This will help advance disability inclusion and share best practices. 

We will take part in interdepartmental working groups and forums to collaborate on cross-government initiatives related to the state disability plan. 

Reporting and evaluation

The department will include updates on DAP implementation in our annual report, as required by the Disability Act. 

We will conduct an evaluation of the DAP towards the end of its implementation period. This will involve assessing its effectiveness and inform the development of future disability action plans.