Specialist offices

The Offices represent an impartial voice for our clients and the broader community.

Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence

The Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence works with partners to provide a clear evidence base for the department to deliver policy, programs and services for Victorians.

Community Services Quality and Safety Office

Supporting improvement in the quality, safety and effectiveness of all Victorian community services organisations

Human Research Ethics Committee

The Department of Health and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Human Research Ethics Committee (the Committee) deals with matters of human research ethics for projects carried out with the support of the Department of Health.

Office for Disability

The Office for Disability is the first of its kind in Australia and leads the Victorian Government's drive for universal change to improve the lives of people with a disability.

Office of Professional Practice

The Office of Professional Practice provides practice leadership and development, fosters continuous improvement in service delivery and encourages practice excellence among Victorian health and human service professionals.

Victorian Senior Practitioner

Introducing the Victorian Senior Practitioner, information and resources about restrictive practices and compulsory treatment.