Other organisations you can contact

You may wish to take your complaint to one of the following organisations

You may also wish to take your complaint to one of the following organisations:

Victorian Ombudsman

The Victorian Ombudsman has the power to investigate complaints about State and local government authorities. The Ombudsman investigates complaints made about decisions, actions or inaction by these bodies.

Telephone: 03 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 (Regional)

Website: www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au

Social Services Regulator 

The Social Services Regulator is an independent statutory authority that oversees social services in Victoria.

Email: enquiries@ssr.vic.gov.au 

Website: www.vic.gov.au/social-services-regulator

The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP)

The CCYP promotes improvement in policies and practices that affect the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people.

Telephone: 1300 78 29 78

Website: www.ccyp.vic.gov.au

Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner will investigate complaints about a Victorian Government agency or local council’s failure to comply with one or more of the Information Privacy Principles.

Telephone: 1300 006 842

Website: www.ovic.vic.gov.au 

Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)

VEOHRC works to protect human rights, promote fair treatment for all Victorians, and advocate for a diverse and inclusive state.

Telephone: 1300 292 153 

Website: www.humanrights.vic.gov.au

Disability Services Commissioner

The Disability Services Commissioner works with people with a disability, and disability services to resolve complaints.

Telephone: 1800 677 342 

Website: www.odsc.vic.gov.au