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The department’s outcomes framework describes what we aim to achieve, and what we are doing to make progress.
Outcome 1: Aboriginal voice, knowledge and cultural leadership drive Aboriginal policy, legislation and system reform
Self-determination enables the wellbeing of Aboriginal Victorians. Systems and structures that inhibit self-determination are actively addressed with the partnership and leadership of the Victorian Aboriginal community.
Outcome 1 headline measures
- Increased proportion of governance structures that transfer decision-making and resource control to Aboriginal organisations
- Number of long-term outcomes-based funding arrangements in place for Aboriginal organisations that meet Aboriginal community-defined need
Outcome 1 indicators
These indicators contribute to Closing the Gap targets.
- increase the transfer of decision-making power and resources to Aboriginal organisations
- increase the use of Aboriginal knowledge and evidence in policy, program and service planning, design, delivery and evaluation, under Aboriginal leadership
- increase investment in the Aboriginal workforce to support the Aboriginal community-controlled organisation sector to excel in practice, partnership, and service delivery
- increase the cultural competence of the non-Aboriginal workforce across all service functions to embed practices and processes that respect Aboriginal ways of working, knowledge and evidence
- improve flexible funding practices to empower Aboriginal organisations to meet the diverse needs of the community
- increase the protection and promotion of Aboriginal knowledge and Aboriginal intellectual property.
Outcome 2: Children, young people and families are safe, strong and supported
Victorian families, carers and individuals have supportive and respectful relationships and are safe from harm, fear and neglect in their homes. This includes addressing the compounding effects of abuse and violence, improving support and recovery for both victim-survivors and perpetrators, and ensuring the wellbeing of children and young people in care.
Outcome 2 headline measures
- Rate of child protection substantiations (rate of children and young people who were the subject of a child abuse and neglect substantiation per 1,000 population.)
- Proportion of Aboriginal children in care on protection orders, whose case is managed by an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation
- Rate of family violence incidents per 1,000 population
- Rate of family violence incidents against an Aboriginal affected family member per 1,000 population
- Rate of entry into care
Outcome 2 indicators
- reduce abuse and neglect of children and young people
- increase safe, respectful family relationships
- improve development and wellbeing for children and young people
- increase the stability of care services placements
- increase connections to community, culture and place, and family and kinship systems for Aboriginal families, including for Aboriginal children in care
- reduce over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in care services (this indicator contributes to Closing the Gap targets)
- reduce the incidence and impact of family violence affecting Aboriginal families
- increase the safety for victim-survivors of family violence.
Outcome 3: Victorian communities are safe, fair, inclusive and resilient
Victorians are socially involved in their community and this participation contributes to their wellbeing. Communities foster social inclusion and participation, and diversity is celebrated and enabled. Victorians from intersectional communities can safely identify with their culture, express their identity and build support networks with people they trust. Communities are strong and resilient in times of emergency.
Outcome 3 headline measures
- Rate of reported crimes against the person per 10,000 population (while our department is not directly responsible for community safety, it is an important measure to monitor as it can identify risks and support needs)
- Rate of participation in community activities over the reporting period (data not currently available)
- Proportion of Victorian seniors who feel valued in society
- Number of discrimination enquiries
- Gender difference in labour force participation
- Ratio of female to male underemployment
- Proportion of 15-24 year-olds in employment, education or training
- Rate of sexual violence reports per 100,000 population
Outcome 3 indicators
- increase economic inclusion and participation
- increase community participation, inclusion and connectedness
- decrease experiences of discrimination
- increase safety where people live, work, learn and play
- increase wellbeing for Aboriginal Victorians, including safety to connect with and express culture (this indicator contributes to Closing the Gap targets)
- increase capacity for senior Victorians to age well
- improve supports for people with complex needs
- increase community resilience
- improve social recovery following emergencies
- reduce sexual violence.
Outcome 4: All Victorians have stable, affordable and appropriate housing
Victorians have safe homes that provide emotional and physical sanctuary. Victorians have security of tenure in housing that is appropriate to their needs, including that it is accessible, high quality, affordable and tailored to them. This outcome includes supports to address and reduce housing insecurity and homelessness to enable suitable housing for all.
Outcome 4 headline measures
- Number of social housing dwellings per 1,000 population
- Proportion of specialist homelessness services clients with an identified need for accommodation who are provided with accommodation
- Average waiting time to provide a home to a person needing priority assistance
- Proportion of low-income Victorians accessing RentAssist
- Value of housing managed by Aboriginal housing providers
- Proportion of rental homes affordable to low income and moderate income Victorians
Outcome 4 indicators
- increase the supply and availability of affordable, appropriate and accessible housing
- improve the environmental sustainability of social housing
- increase housing stability for people experiencing or at risk of rough sleeping, homelessness, and other insecure housing arrangements
- increase financial ability to access and maintain housing and utility services
- increase the proportion of Aboriginal people in appropriately sized (not overcrowded) housing (this indicator contributes to Closing the Gap targets)
- improve transitions to independent living arrangements (includes transitions from justice settings, supported residential and disability care, care services placements and other specialised accommodation).
Outcome 5: Our social services system is integrated, effective, person-centred and sustainable
The social services system is joined up and provides safe, effective and appropriate services that respond to the needs, preferences and circumstances of Victorians. Our corporate functions and IT systems facilitate efficient service delivery, administration and oversight, and our workforce is sustainable and highly skilled.
We nurture strong partnerships with funded agencies, and we deploy data and evidence to continuously improve.
Outcome 5 headline measures
- Timeliness of responding to/closing out feedback matters
- Performance of services in reviews against departmental standards
Outcome 5 indicators
- improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of service delivery
- increase responsiveness of services to diversity and intersectionality
- improve access to services
- increase the voice of clients, people with lived experience and diverse communities in the design, delivery and evaluation of policies and services
- increase effective organisational oversight and financial management
- increase system agility, responsiveness and resilience
- increase effectiveness, appropriateness and integration of technology, IT systems and information management
- improve workforce health, safety, wellbeing, capability and diversity
- increase use of evidence, evaluation, outcome measurement and data to inform planning, investment, practice and policy design.