There is $400,000 available through this program as part of the Victorian Government’s broader efforts to support LGBTIQA|+ equality in Victoria under the Pride in our future strategy
Supporting the capability and sustainability of LGBTIQA+ organisations is vital to the economic and social inclusion needs of our rainbowcommunities.
Established organisations can apply for grants up to $40,000 and emerging organisations can apply for grants up to $20,000.
This year’s program will focus on organisations that support diverse and intersectional LGBTIQA+ communities including:
- outer suburban, peri-urban, regional and rural communities (including border communities)
- Aboriginal and First Nations communities
- people with disability
- culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- faith-based communities
- trans and gender diverse communities
- intersex people
- LGBTIQA+ people from low socio-economic backgrounds
- seniors and older people
- bi+ communities.
Applications are now open and close on Friday 30 April 2024.
For more information on eligibility, how to apply and complete program guidelines, visit LGBTIQA+ Organisational Development Grants page.